What's the first thing that gets cut when schools face a budget squeeze?

[Please note: our Fresh Paint Reception on July 14th will not include a silent auction and will not require a ticket - all paintings with be included in a 3-day lavender festival anonymous auction]

Party in the Art Barn for Ruch School kids!

We invite you to support Ruch Outdoor Community School by purchasing a $25 ticket (either Friday, June 23rd 7pm to 9pm and/or Friday July 14th, 7pm to 9pm to join us in the Applegate River Lavender barn for a fun-filled evening of food, wine, music and art. The barn will be filled with paintings created by regional artists who painted all over the Applegate Valley during a one-day plein-air quick paint earlier in the day. You read that correctly -- all the paintings will be less than 8 hours old.

There will also be a few select works created by Ruch School students included in the auction. All of the pieces will be available for you to bid on (via anonymous silent auction) while you meet the artists, nibble on tasty appetizers and sip local wine.

The net proceeds of the auction and ticket sales will be donated to fund 2023-2024 art programs at Ruch School. Your participation in this event will help the school maintain vibrant creative experiences for their students.

Please support art programs at ruch school

As a “community school”, learning opportunities multiply when students dig into their surrounding environment, repositioned to take a closer look at the social, environmental, and economic issues at play.Ruch School students embark on local projects that have tangible results and observable outcomes.

Can’t Come But You Want to Support Ruch School?

If you think this is a great idea but life is too busy to make it to one of the receptions you can donate directly to Ruch School art programs funds by following the June 23rd ticket page or the July 14th ticket page. Just click on the "Get Tickets" orange box to see donation opportunities.

Would You Like to Help Sponsor this Event?

That would be great! Just fill out the form below and tell us how you would like to help (donate food, wine. $ or ?) or you can click on the June 23rd ticket page or the July 14th ticket page, click on the "Get Tickets" orange box to see sponsorship opportunities.

Would You Like to Volunteer to Help with the Event?

That would also be great - use the form below or contact information to let us know how you would like to help.

Please fill out the form below or call/text Rob Rustad at 831-521-5344 or email

i'm interested in your fresh paint reception and silent auction for ruch school

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