Lavender Pillow Spray
Products can be picked up at the farm with no shipping.
Lavender is known for calming the nervous system and having a relaxing effect on the body. This gentle aromatic Pillow Spray made from our fragrant Gros Bleu 100% artisan distilled botanical water hydrosol, will help you drift off to sleep.
Directions: Spritz pillows, linens, blankets and your sleeping area.
Ingredients: 100% pure artisan distilled botanical water hydrosol from the sweetly aromatic lavindin Gros Bleu lavender variety, leucidal (natural preservative derived from radishes)
Earth-friendly label - no plastics or laminates
4 oz reusable/recyclable glass bottleShipping to USA addresses only. All pacakages sent USPS ground, arriving in 2 to 5 business days.